Multiagent Systems#
This course provides insights in models and methods of the
field of multiagent systems, a new paradigm for modeling,
analysing, and predicting complex sociotechnical systems.
We are interested in appropriate software architectures and models for the expression of cooperation and competition between intelligent software systems, as well as between humans and these software systems.
Learning Objectives:
Students are familiar with models and architectures of intelligent autonomous agents.
They understand modeling levels of socio-technical systems and their realization by means of models and mechanisms of multi-agent systems.
They understand the main implications of the rationality vs. cooperation assumption.
They know essential programming languages for the implementation of multi-agent systems (in particular logical programming, concurrent models and the BDI paradigm) and can use them to design and implement smaller multi-agent systems.
After completing the module, students will have knowledge of the most important theoretical foundations of multi-agent systems, in particular decision models with game-theoretical concepts.
They will be able to consider and apply the acquired skills in the development of distributed cooperative systems and use them for analysis.
Link to the repositories: TBD
Extent: 6 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K01 Introduction to multiagent systems#
Students are given an introduction to multi-agent systems
as well as socio-technical systems
and autonomous systems
Learning Objectives:
After completion students understand modeling levels of socio-technical systems
and their realization using models and mechanisms of multi-agent systems
They understand the properties of the social force model
and the fundamentals of cellular automata
and their applicability.
Multiagent Systems Lecture Introduction: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: None
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K02 Intelligent Agents#
The topic of intelligent agents includes models of intelligent autonomous agents
, control, environments in multi-agent systems
and an abstract agent architecture
Learning Objectives:
Students are familiar with models
and architectures
of intelligent autonomous agents
They understand how agents deal with dynamic systems
They know different types of system environments
and can define them.
They are able to formally describe the nature of agents
as well as their tasks and system environment
They know the properties of reactive
and state-based agents
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Intelligent Agents Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K01 Introduction to multiagent systems
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K03 Intelligent agents: Architectural approaches#
Intelligent agents are based on different architectural approaches, such as:
Deliberative architectures
like Deductive Reasoning
or STRIPS Planning
, reactive architectures
like the Subsumption architecture
and Ant colony
models as well as hybrid architectures.
Learning Objectives:
Students know the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the deliberative agent architecture
and have experienced these in concrete examples using the STRIPS
AI Planner.
They are familiar with the STRIPS
AI Planner
and can formally implement their own scenarios.
You know the properties of reactive agents
They have become familiar with the Subsumption Architecture
Students are familiar with the multi-agent
architecture InteRRaP
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Intelligent Agents: Architectural approaches Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K02 Intelligent Agents
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K04 Practical Reasoning and BDI architectures#
This part of the Multiagent Systems Module contains introductions to the topics of Intentionality
, the Belief-Desire-Intention
) architectures, practical reasoning
and applicable algorithms.
Two included concrete manifestations of BDI architectures
are IRMA
: Intelligent Resource-bounded Machine Architecture
- Practical Reasoning System
Learning Objectives:
Students know the basic features of practical reasoning
They understand the stylization of the Belief-Desire-Intention
They know implemented variants of practical reasoning agents
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Practical Reasoning and BDI architectures: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K03 Intelligent agents: Architectural approaches
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K05 Modeling Concurrent Systems#
In this chapter Agents
as concurrent processes
are being introduced, including motivation and basic definitions. Additionaly the Modeling of concurrent systems
in the shape of Labeled transitions systems
) and Finite State Processes
) are taught. To conclude, concurrency and concurrent executions are presented, featuring deadlocks
and the Dining Philosophers
Problem (DPP
Learning Objectives:
Students have knowledge of agent-oriented programming
with concurrency
They know the properties of and differences between labeled transition systems
) and finite state processes
They are aware of the technical challenges involved in implementing concurrent systems
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Modeling Concurrent Systems:
Video (Part 1),
Video (Part 2)
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K04 Practical Reasoning and BDI architectures
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K06 Multiagent Systems 1: Working Together#
This training segment covers the coordination
and cooperation
in multi-agent systems
. Cooperative distributed problem solving, the contract network protocol
and simulated trading
are elementary components.
Learning Objectives:
Students have visualized essential characteristics of coordination
, cooperation
and collaboration of automated systems
They have knowledge of Speech Act Theory
and KQML
They have knowledge of Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving
) and the Contract Net Protocol
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Working Together:
Video (Part 1),
Video (Part 2)
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K05 Modeling Concurrent Systems
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K07 Interaction of individual rational agents: Basic concepts#
This part will introduce the basic concepts of the interaction of individual rational agents
. Further explained are normal form games
), dominant strategies
and the Nash equilibrium
as well as pure and mixed strategies
and the elimination of dominated strategies
Learning Objectives:
Students have mastered the basics of game theory
They have experience with various game theory scenarios
as well as pure and mixed strategies
They have the skills to identify and deal with dominant strategies
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Interaction of individual rational agents: Basic concepts: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K06 Multiagent Systems 1: Working Together
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K08 Interaction of individual rational agents: Applications#
This part continues the previous section (MAS-K07). The basic concepts of the interaction of individual rational agents
are being complemented with exemplary applications and the concideration of the price of anarchy
concept. Applications of game theory
, N-player games
and games with continuous payoffs
add to this sections definition.
Learning Objectives:
Students have experience with the most important example scenarios in game theory
They are able to determine Nash equilibria
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Interaction of individual rational agents: Applications: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K07 Interaction of individual rational agents: Basic concepts
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K09 Collective decision-making by automated agents#
This lecture encloses the topic of Collective decision-making
in multi-agent systems including the introduction to Choice Mechanisms
, Social Choice
and Social Welfare
Learning Objectives:
Students are familiar with computational social choice theory
and its characteristics.
They have knowledge of common choice
mechanisms and their scope of competence.
They have knowledge of parallels between game theory
, computational social choice theory
, decision theory
and auctions
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Collective decision-making by automated agents: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K08 Interaction of individual rational agents: Applications
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K10 Automated negotiation#
The lecture Automated negotiations
reviews ways of reaching agreements
between agents
by utilizing Negotiation mechanisms
, suitable protocols and strategies. Additionally task-oriented problem domains
are being introduced.
Learning Objectives:
Students have knowledge of negotiation models
and their mechanisms.
They are familiar with various negotiation protocols
and can relate these to the appropriate problem domains
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Automated negotiation: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K09 Collective decision-making by automated agents
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K11 Logic Programming#
This lecture includes the Basics of logic programming
. The foundation of the topic will be the Horn Logic
which is going to be concluded by the Prolog programming language
Learning Objectives:
Students are proficient in the ProLog
logic programming
They understand horn logic
and are able to write programs based on predicate logic
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Logic Programming: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K10 Automated negotiation
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal
MAS-K12 Agent-Oriented Programming#
The last lecture of the Multiagent Systems
module concludes with Agent-oriented programming
. The focus lies on programming of BDI agents
carried out with the instruments of AgentSpeak
Learning Objectives:
Students are familiar with the AgentSpeak(L)
programming language and are trained in using the Jason
They know the structure and components of the multi-agent systems
developed with AgentSpeak(L)
They are able to develop multi-agent systems
Multiagent Systems Lecture: Agent-Oriented Programming: Video
Link to the repositories: TBD
Previous microcredits: MAS-K11 Logic Programming
Extent: 0.5 ECTS
Responsible: Institut für Informatik, TU Clausthal